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When young lovers mary, they have their own families. Their kids are born and get to know their relatives that live in the same home. They do not get to know their cousins
who live in different towns or different countries because they never meet one another. It is impossible to take everyone to the same place at the same time
to get to know one another. From the generation of grandfather to the generation of grandchild, there may be more than 50 people.
Most young people in the last generation do not get to know all of their cousins because relatives who connect them passed away.
How to help people get to know their relatives who live in different cities or different countries ?
If they share the same family tree which is composed of everyone, they can get to know each other via online media although they never meet each other
because the family tree explains clearly who is who.
A big family tree cannot be built by one person because nobody has enough long life to get to know every person in the big family tree.
Who can build a big family tree ?
How do they build it ?
If every family build her family tree and connect them together like fitting pieces of jigsaw together, they will get a complete big family tree.
This idea is not hard to implement because we have internet that everyone uses in his daily life. All we need is a tool to build our family trees and connect them together.
United Nations said that average age of people is 70 years. If we count years of 3 generations continuously grandfather, father and son, it takes
70 + 70 + 70 = 210 years. Every family has her history for at least 210 years.
What do you know about your ancestors 200 years ago ? Who was your great-grandmother ? Where did she come from ?
Most family, if they search for his 200-year history, they find emptiness. It seems that they have no ancestors because they never record their history systematically.
When ancestors passed away, their stories were told by alive people surrounding them. When those people passed away, all gone.
BigFamilies is a web application for recording family information systematically. There are family trees show the relation of relatives.
Family trees are connected together to make a big family tree. Every relative can access to get to know all members of this family tree although they live in different cities or
different countries.
When ones die, their stories are still in www.BigFamilies.net, heirs create their family trees and connect them to their ancestors' family trees. Family trees are extended
indefinitely. This is a family library where information of ancestors is kept. This information is real because it is recorded by the owners while they are alive.
Features of BigFamilies
1) | BigFamilies is a web application works on any browser. It is not necessary to install any software in your device. |
2) | The database of BigFamilies is in database server, not your device. So you are independent to use any device that can access internet. |
3) | BigFamilies is a public web application. It is free of charge. |
4) | There are tools to build and maintain Family Trees. These tools are easy to use. |
5) | Every member has his/her own diary in family trees to record stories and pictures. |
6) | Members can access diaries of other members to read their stories and see their pictures. |
7) | Many family trees can be connected together to be a big family tree indefinitely. |
8) | There are levels of passwords to control members of family tree. |
9) | Information is not stored in users' devices but it is in database server. Although the owners pass away, their information is still kept.
Heirs can access this information to learn about their ancestors. |
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Learning Vocabulary with Pictures
Pictures are more attractive than alphabets. Matching pictures with words is a technique to memorize vocabulary rapidly.
This technique make children enjoy learning vocabulary with pictures.
More than 700 words are stored in a database.
Every word matches with a picture. Pictures help your kids learn the meaning of words.
Moreover, they are used to play matching games, match vocabulary with pictures.
...Click here for more details...
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