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crop photo in square

Follow steps in this article to practise.

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Portraits in family tree are contained in invisible frames of 200x200 pixels. If you upload photos that bigger than 200x200 pixels, they are resized to fit 200x200 pixels frames. The original portraits may be different sizes but they should be the same aspect ratio so that when they are resized to fit the invisible frames they are the same size in family tree. The easiest ratio of width and height is 1 : 1, width = height i.e. crop them in squares.

The same idea can be applied to crop photos in rectangles. If you keep the ratio of width and height = 2 : 3 for every photo in different size, when they are resized to fit the invisible frames they will be the same size in family tree because respect ratio is maintained while they are resized.

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Steps of crop a photo in square

Step 1 : Select a photo to crop.

Start Photoshop.
Click File and Open. Follow step no 1 and 2.

Then select a photo to crop.

The photo you select should be high resolution. If it is medium resolution or less, the cropped picture will not be good because there are not enough pixels.

Step 2 : Crop in Square

Click (step no 3)

Specify width = 1 inch (step no 4)

Specify height = 1 inch (step no 5)

Specify resolution = 300 pixels per inch (step no 6)

Define width = height
to crop a square shape.

Crop the part of photo that is in green frame.

Click mouse at upper left corner of square (step no 7)
hold and drag along diagonal to lower right corner of square (step no 8) then release.

The selected area is surrounded by dash line.

The area out of dash line becomes dark. The dark area will be dropped.

Click Image (step no 9 ) and Crop (step no 10) to crop the selected area.

Cropped picture

in square of 300x300 pixels

Step 3 : Save cropped picture

Click File and Save as.
Enter file name and select file type.
File type is JPEG in general.

File name of cropped photo should be different from the original name to make sure that original file is not over written.

Select Quality of High.

Follow steps in this article to practise.

Click here to download picture for practice.

...Click here to see how to crop picture in circle or ellipse...

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